Wednesday, 30 July 2014

I'm on a boat!

So, one of the co-founders of the company that I work for decided to leave the company (presumably having made quite a lot since the company was sold to a Canadian company) and had a party to celebrate his going. I don't know him at all, having only recently started at the company, but I am never one to pass up a good party. Particularly one that is on an island.

The Thames flows through more than just London, and throughout it's course there are lots of little islands. some which are uninhabited, and some which have a building or two on them. Coming from the Midlands where my experiences with water were restricted to trips to the seaside and canal trips, I could not resist the opportunity to go somewhere on a boat. Even if it was a very short trip.

Not really knowing anyone, it was a bit of gamble getting there. I didn't know which bank of the river to go to, or who to look out for. However i spotted a slightly geeking looking chap standing in a boat chatting to some lads who i thought i vaguely recognised and went for it. BINGO! Here was my ride over to the island. The boat was a sort of wide flat bottomed affair and at first i attempted to stand up, but gave up and sat on the little seats on the side of the boat. It was a very short trip to the island, but first of all the boat went round to the other bank to pick up more people, and a bike! 

Look at the view from the boat! 

We landed on the island and after scrambling up i was immediately handed a glass of champagne, very civilised! I managed to find a couple of work colleagues that i knew and hung around with some that i knew only by sight.

Great t-shirt, right?

The food was delicious. This was a vegetarian lasagne, which the wait staff insisted I try. I am a fairly committed meat eater, but they weren't wrong in telling me that this was a tasty dish. They later came round with mini pastries. I would have taken a picture, but they were so covered in icing sugar, flaky pastry and chocolate that my fingers were too sticky to hold the camera. I dread to think how much this party must of cost the host. But then, i guess if you have the money why not spend it on a terrific party?

People enjoyed themselves sitting outside in the garden in the sun.

There was a live band, who started off playing chilled out, jazzy mellow vibes.

Which then progressed to a a second and third set consisting off party classics.

There was a free, and open bar. 

Also a lot of boats, i presume some belong to the owner of the house, but i think some guests may also have arrived by boat.

The view from the island 

Inside the house, i'm loving the pink effect.

It has really made me want to get a boat and sail up and down the Thames. Seeing as I am moving to Wokingham, which is not exactly far from the Thames, i think this is a dream which is achievable.

I left at around 10:30pm, since I had an hours drive back home. But i think the party went on into the wee hours, and probably involved some people getting into the hot tub that was next to the bar...

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