Thursday, 1 January 2015

New Year, new start

It's that time of year when people make resolutions, and break them fairly quickly.
I am not immune to this, especially as there is so much that I want to change about myself and my life.

This past year saw a lot of changes, new job, new house and a new town. It was quite stressful, although it had a lot of positivity with it.

2015 I want to do more for me. I have signed up to do jantastic, starting off at just 2 workouts a week. 1 "run" and 1 swim. It seems low, but I am doing precisely nothing at the moment, and two seems like an achievable number to do a week for the first month, and hopefully build upon it in the following months.

It's not something that is going to be easy for me, I am very overweight and quite frankly very lazy. I never used to be, I used to love taking part on physical competitions despite the fact that I would often be a foot shorter than other competitors.I don't really know what happened, but I want that back!

For my running i am going to go back to the NHS couch to 5km plan, and I'm planning on outdoor running. It's dark at the moment, I know, but the area in which i live has loads of footpaths which are well lit.

For swimming, which i enjoy, but do find boring, i want to get a waterproof mp3 player. I could listen to tunes, or podcasts and combine two things at once. 

For both I need some way of measuring how far i have gone, and that is something that i need to look into.

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